Kirby Vacuum Serial Number Lookup
Somewhat excited about this. Picked up a G7D (G7 Diamond Edition) Kirby vacuum cleaner with all the hoses and attachments for free from an old lady that bought a canister vacuum because she thought the Kirby was too heavy. This vacuum retailed for around $1,700 about 5 years ago. It's not the latest model (The Sentria is), but it's the newest model before that. As you may or may not know, these vacuums will go 50 years if taken care of and do an excellent job of cleaning. Also they have a bag which is SOOOOOOOOOOO much better than that bagless garbage like Dyson. Sure the salesman and sales practices of Kirby may be controversial, but when a free opportunity like this comes around I can't pass it up. They are simply a great Vacuum, I don't care what anyone says. This particular vacuum is already 7 years old according to the serial number. Most vacuums would have been replaced about 7 times in that period of time.
In 2007-2008 I was very happy with my kirby vacuum but, I had a while that I Din't ran my credit and had and emergency, The distributed never report to the United con. Fin, That I paid and I Been calling the distributed number 714-923-9711and Cristina the manager answer and was like in a rush said that computer were down on July 10,2012 she was. The 10 digit serial number on ALL G series Kirbys (G3, G4, G5, G6, Ultimate G. Sentria and Sentria II) is engraved into the aluminum on the side of the Kirby, right. The fourth and fifth numbers are the month of manufacture. The G4 Kirby is a great vacuum and much like the G3, however, some improvements were made. They added a smoother shifting transmission and designed a stronger pivot assembly. Where do I find the serial number of 1996 Kirby Vacuum Cleaners? To activate the factory warranty, Kirby required the distributor to fill 012 out a 'gold card' in the name of the buyer. The gold card has the 012serial number of the vacuum cleaner and the name of the buyer.
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Kirby Vacuum Models By Year
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Kirby vacuums and Kirby parts are held to a higher standard by the company itself. By labeling its products luxury vacuums, Kirby makes higher-end cleaners that are highly versatile. The current Kirby vacuum model, the Kirby Sentria, can be used to perform an array of tasks, for example, acting as an upright, a canister, a carpet cleaner, and a floor buffer.
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